Midwifery Immunization Communication Course
Up to 1.5 hour
Midwives, midwifery students and other interested health professionals

Midwifery Induction and Augmentation of Labour for Midwives
3-4 hours
Registered midwives who will be prescribing medical therapeutics to initiate cervical ripening and induction of labour as primary care providers

Motivational Interviewing
Up to 2.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
2 hours
Primary healthcare providers that work with children and their families.

Navigating Thyroid Testing in Primary Hypothyroidism: Practical Approaches for Health Professionals
Up to 0.5 Mainpro+ credits
15-30 minutes
Family physicians, nurse practitioners and other health professionals ordering thyroid tests.

Not Just the Blues: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety
Up to 1.5 Mainpro+ credits
1.5 hours
Family physicians and other health care professionals in British Columbia who provide care during the perinatal period

Opioid Prescribing in the Context of Toxic Drug Supply: Navigating Risks and Ensuring Patient Safety
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
1 hour
Family physicians, specialists, and other health professionals who prescribe pharmacological treatment

Optimizing Care for Gay, Bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men (gbMSM)
Up to 1.5 Mainpro+ credits
1.5 hours
Family Physicians and other allied health professionals who provide care to gbMSM patients

Pediatric Asthma Management
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
1 hour
Primary care providers and pediatricians

Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis Online Education
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
1 hour
All community-based health care providers

Pediatric Foundations
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
1 hour
Family physicians, specialists and other allied health providers

Perinatal Substance Use
Up to 6.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
6 hours
Family physicians, pediatricians, neonatologists, midwives, and nurses

Physiological Breech Birth
Registered midwives
This module is currently in development. Please visit ubccpd.ca for more information.

PRA-BC Assessor Training for ER/UPCC Assessments
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ credits / MOC Section 3 credits
45–60 minutes
ER/UPCC Clinical Assessors
Online training course for PRA-BC assessors completing assessments in ERs/UPCCs.
View the ER/UPCC Assessor Training course page for more information and to register.

PRA-BC Assessor Training Online Pre-Learning
8.0Mainpro+ credits
90 minutes
Primary and Secondary PRA-BC Clinical Assessors

Practice Management
Up to 0.5 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
30 minutes
Family physicians and specialists new to BC

Preventing Food Allergies in Infants: Early Introduction to Allergenic Solids
Up to 1.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
1 hour
Family physicians, specialists and other allied health providers

Provincial Opioid Addiction Treatment Support Program: MD/NP
Up to 8.0 Mainpro+ / MOC Section 3 credits
8 hours
Family physicians, specialists, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners in British Columbia involved in the care of patients who are experiencing opioid use disorder